Digital Shahbaz

How psychology is used in advertising?

Psychology is a vast part of the general plan and accomplishment of an advertising effort. By fusing essential psychological principles advertisements can be made to produce wanted feelings and responses. Advertisements can be focused on specific segments or psychographic bunches improving brand review and wisdom. Publicizing investigates the specialty of impacting humans to make certain […]

What is branding in marketing?

Branding is something that one’s business needs to break through and grab their favorable customer’s attention. It’s what converts first-time buyers into lifetime customers and turns an indifferent audience. It’s what one needs to stand out and make an impact and take a business to the next level. Branding is crucial because not only it […]

Benefits of Instagram marketing

Social media helps us in almost everything and it is the most important tool to market our product. One of the most popular social media platforms today is Instagram. Almost everyone is using Instagram leaving the average fb user behind. Those who think Instagram is only just for uploading selfies well you’re wrong. One can […]

54 Awesome Contact Us Page Examples You Need To See

39 Awesome Contact Us Page Examples You Need To See 1. Broker Notes At first glance, Broker Notes‘ contact page looks pretty bare. There’s no graphics, no quirky copy, just a plain old contact form. Great for UX, but not so great for inspiring users to reach out.ADVERTISEMENTCONTINUE READING BELOW So what stands out on this page? […]

56 Awesome Contact Us Page Examples You Need To See

39 Awesome Contact Us Page Examples You Need To See 1. Broker Notes At first glance, Broker Notes‘ contact page looks pretty bare. There’s no graphics, no quirky copy, just a plain old contact form. Great for UX, but not so great for inspiring users to reach out.ADVERTISEMENTCONTINUE READING BELOW So what stands out on this page? […]

39 Awesome Contact Us Page Examples You Need To See

39 Awesome Contact Us Page Examples You Need To See 1. Broker Notes At first glance, Broker Notes‘ contact page looks pretty bare. There’s no graphics, no quirky copy, just a plain old contact form. Great for UX, but not so great for inspiring users to reach out.ADVERTISEMENTCONTINUE READING BELOW So what stands out on this page? […]